Pike pushup

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One of the challenges when doing bodyweight training is to build strength overhead. In traditional weight training, exercises like military press would take care of the vertical press, and the progression would simply be to add more weight. However, for bodyweight training, we do not have that option. Our only real option for a 100% […]


HSPU CrossFit style

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I love HSPU or Handstand pushups as they are called. Reason for that is that I’m pretty good at them and being a lighter athlete makes them slightly easier 🙂 HSPU is an advanced vertical press exercise and the only bodyweight exercise where we can get a good overhead press. Mastering them is, therefore, mandatory […]

What is Calisthenics

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What is calisthenics? Calisthenics is a set of exercises that utilize your own body weight to strengthen your muscles and lose body fat. Since no outside equipment is necessary, calisthenics can be done in the convenience and comfort of your own home. Calisthenics will normally give your body a leaner appearance than weight lifting because […]

Hindu pushups

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Hindu pushups have for a long time been part of my workout routine. Often I use them in my warm-up session. This is due to the big range of motion that they offer and thereby prepare the complete body for more challenging exercises. However, it’s not before recently that I understood the right way to […]