Bodyweight triceps exercises

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I have to admit – I do not have big biceps. I can’t flex my guns and show some impressive biceps. However, my triceps are relatively big for my body type – I said my body type 🙂bodyweight triceps exercises
There are several reasons for this. First of all, I’m not a bodybuilder; I’m not doing any kind of isolated exercises like bicep curls – also I’m not an easy gainer. When I want a muscle to grow, I have to work hard for it.
But why is it that my triceps are rather big for my body type?
I do a ton of bodyweight triceps exercises. Not like isolated triceps exercises but different exercises that happen to hit the triceps very well – let me show you which they are.

Where the biceps is a lot about pulling, the triceps is about pushing or stabilizing when extended.

The pushing can be done either horizontal like traditional pushups or vertically like handstand pushup. However, what is important is that we keep as little distance as possible between the arms when we do the push. But, there will be more about that when we go into each individual triceps exercise.
To make it easier, I have divided the exercises into three categories.
  • Horizontal push
  • Vertical push
  • Hold/Isometric
In each category, I will start with the easiest version and then move on to the next level. And please respect your current level. Choosing an exercise that is too hard will just put you at a higher risk for injuries, and you will also progress slower.
Finally, I will give you three examples of bodyweight triceps workouts. A beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Let’s get going.

Bodyweight triceps exercises.horizontal-push

Horizontal push
As you can see in the illustration, we will always get some sort of triceps involvement when doing a horizontal push. However, the closer the arms are together during the push, the more stress there will be on triceps. And there will be more focus on chest and shoulders if we place the hands in a wider position.
Also, make sure to avoid that the elbows flap out in a 90-degree angle. We want the elbows to stay as close as possible to the body. Both together to get more triceps focus, and also to keep our shoulders in a good position.
Traditional push-upsPush-up
Not the best exercise for triceps but depending on your current level you might need to start here. Even done on knees is ok, as we still get some triceps involvement.
Diamond push-upsdiamond push-up
This is done by putting your hands together, so the space between the fingers makes the shape of a diamond when automatically put our arms closer together.
These can also be done on knees.
Sphinx push-upssphinx push-up
This is probably the version where we get most triceps focus.
Imagine the Sphinx statue in Egypt. With arms resting in front of the torso in a 90-degree position like a dog. From there simply extend your arms, so your torso gets lifted from the ground.
As the forearms and elbows are completely glued together, and we do the horizontal press in front of us, we get a lot of stress on the triceps.
Again these can be done on knees.
A general trick with horizontal push exercises is that we can make them harder by elevating the legs. Also, we can play with a slower rhythm or even make it explosive like plyometrics.

Vertical pushvertical-push

There are two ways to do these. One where we push downward and another where we push upward or above head.
Dips are just a great upper body exercise as push-ups, and we can focus on different parts by changing them a bit.
What makes dips less popular than pushups, are that they require some strength and a bit of equipment as well.
As with the pushups, we want to keep our elbows as close to the body as possible. This will give the most focus on the triceps.
Another important point is to keep the torso upright during the dips. When you lean forward the focus will be more on the shoulders and chest, so make sure to keep the chest up.
Bench/Chair dipsdip
These are the starting point, and we can easily adjust the difficulty with the legs that are resting on the ground.
The more extended the legs are, the harder the exercise. Finally, we can as well, elevate the legs to make them even more challenging.
Dips on station or parallel barsdip-station
This is the next step, and the rules are the same as mentioned above. Elbows should be close to the body and don’t lean forward.
Ring dipsring dip
These are harder as you need to stabilize in different directions.
Pike pushupspike pushup
This is still a vertical push, but we push above the head.
We begin with pike pushups where we place the feet on the ground and keep the body in a v-position so we can get a vertical push.
Later on, when we become stronger, we can elevate our feet to make it harder. Remember to keep elbows close to your body.
Wall climberswall climbers
These are somewhere in between a horizontal push and a vertical push.
We start from a traditional pushup position with feet against a wall. Then we begin to walk our feet up the wall and our hands towards the wall. We continue until we are in a full handstand position with chest against the wall. Then we reverse the movement.
Here there will be a focus on the triceps from different angles. Again keep elbows close to your body 🙂
Handstand pushuphandstand-hold
From a handstand position with feet resting against a wall, we simply lower our head to the ground and then press us up again. As this is a very advanced exercise it might take some time before you are able to master it. A good progression template can be found here.
Remember that elbows need to be as close as possible to the body when you bend them.


Holds or isometric exercises are where we do not shorten nor lengthen the muscle. We simply hold it in one position where it’s engaged.
For the triceps, the best position is in the top position of the dip. Meaning we can do this in any of the three versions. Bench, station/parallels or rings.
If we want to make it even harder and add some core muscles as well, then do an L-sit
So, these are the absolute best bodyweight triceps exercises that I know. But how should we work with them – what would be a proper routine?
I never recommend to focus on a single body part or for that sake a single muscle. The absolute best is to do an all round workout that involves the complete body. And even a routine that both combines strength, stamina, condition and flexibility – you will find such routines here.
However, as we have decided to talk about bodyweight triceps exercises, let’s look at how they can be combined.
Again, remember that we really focus on triceps and therefore the routine is a bit different than normal strength progression templates.

Beginner bodyweight triceps routinebeginner bodyweight triceps workout

Do the routine two times a week with minimum one day in between.
Work according to the following template:
Work 1:30min – Rest 1min – Work 1min – Rest 30sec – Work 30sec
Rest 2min – then continue with next exercise according to the above template.
Select a version where you as a minimum can do 10 reps without resting, when fresh.
  • Push ups
  • Bench dips

Intermediate bodyweight triceps routineintermediate bodyweight triceps workout

Do the routine two times a week with minimum one day in between.
Work according to the following template:
Work 1:30min – Rest 1min – Work 1min – Rest 30sec – Work 30sec
Rest 2min – then continue with next exercise according to the above template.
Select a version where you as a minimum can do 10 reps without resting, when fresh.
Session 1:
  • Diamond pushups
  • Station/parallel dips
Session 2:
  • Pike pushups
  • Dip hold (A version where you can minimum do 20sec before rest)

Advanced bodyweight triceps routineadvanced bodyweight triceps workout

Do the routine two times a week with minimum one day in between.
Work according to the following template:
Work 1:30min – Rest 1min – Work 1min – Rest 30sec – Work 30sec
Rest 2min – then continue with next exercise according to the above template.
Select a version where you as a minimum can do 10 reps without resting, when fresh.
Session 1:
  • Sphinx pushups
  • Ring dips
Session 2:
  • Handstand pushups
  • L-sit hold
There you go. This should keep you busy for several months.

When reaching a point where it becomes too easy, meaning you can do handstand pushups for 1:30min without pausing (please send a video 🙂 then you might need to add some weight, like with a weight west.
Hope you found this useful and please leave a comment below.

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